These sites are projects that I am proud of and worked with many great people to develop.

Worked with a team of developers to refresh the look of and help with maintenance
while working at Karo Group

Flash Calculator calculations from business formulas and planning the user interface
while working at Karo Group

Calgary Folkfest
Creating a strategy for the listening to the music of the event
while working at Karo Group

Convert old perl scripts to ASP with the help of AJAX
RoleClassic ASP, Backstage CMS, JS
while working at Karo Group

Calgary CMA
CSS Layout updates, membership purchases PayPal, online marketing directory with search, category filters, paging, feature listings
while working freelance

Blue Circle Insurance
Help with the unique menu system and video player setup
while working at Karo Group

Live at Stonewater
Built the unique, animated menu with JS. Helped with the architecture of the floorplans
RoleJS | Flash
while working at Karo Group

Design build out, contact form with validation, custom CMS for resort details, rates, packages, contact form, photo gallery with custom admin, custom floorplan JS
RoleCSS | PHP | JS
while working at Applied Communications

Northstar Mountain Village
Custom CRM, Custom Email Distribution, Vacation packages admin
RolePHP | Flash | JS
while working at Applied Communications

Mountainair Country Club
Design and Development, contact management, photo gallery with administration
while working at Applied Communications

Photos uploading and watermarking custom content management with slideshow, web design in 2002
while working freelance